Published paper

論文リストPapers list

No. Title Author Bibliography DOI
“Photoinduced inverse spin-Hall effect: Conversion of light-polarization information into electric voltage” K. Ando , M. Morikawa , T. Trypiniotis , Y. Fujikawa , C. H. W. Barnes , E. Saitoh Applied Physics Letters 96 082502_1-082502_4 (2010) 10.1063/1.3327809
“Direct conversion of light-polarization information into electric voltage using photoinduced inverse spin-Hall effect in Pt/GaAs hybrid structure: Spin photodetector” K. Ando , M. Morikawa , T. Trypiniotis , Y. Fujikawa , C. H. W. Barnes , E. Saitoh Journal of Applied Physics 107 113902_1-113902_5 (2010) 10.1063/1.3418441
“Spin current depolarization under high electric fields in undoped InGaAs” N. Okamoto , H. Kurebayashi , K. Harii , Y. Kajiwara , H. Beere , I. Farrer , T. Trypiniotis , K. Ando , D. A. Ritchie , C. H. W. Barnes , E. Saitoh Applied Physics Letters 98 242104_1-242104_3 (2011) 10.1063/1.3599599
“Electrically tunable spin injector free from the impedance mismatch problem” K. Ando , S. Takahashi , J. Ieda , H. Kurebayashi , T. Trypiniotis , C. H. W. Barnes , S. Maekawa , E. Saitoh Nature materials 10 655-659 (2011) 10.1038/nmat3052
“Electric control of the spin Hall effect by intervalley transitions” N. Okamoto , H. Kurebayashi , T. Trypiniotis , I. Farrer , D. A. Ritchie , E. Saitoh , J. Sinova , J. Mašek , T. Jungwirth , C. H. W. Barnes Nature materials 13 932-937 (2014) 10.1038/nmat4059