Published paper

論文リストPapers list

No. Title Author Bibliography DOI
”Interface-induced anomalous Nernst effect in Fe3O4/Pt-based heterostructures” R. Ramos , T. Kikkawa , A. Anad´on , I. Lucas , T. Niizeki , K. Uchida , P. A. Algarabel , L. Morellón , M. H. Aguirre , M. R. Ibarra , E. Saitoh APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 114 11 113902 (2019) 10.1063/1.5063553
”Interfacial ferromagnetism and atomic structures in high-temperature grown Fe3O4/Pt/Fe3O4 epitaxial trilayers” T. Kikkawa , M. Suzuki , R. Ramos , M. H. Aguirre , J. Okabayashi , K. Uchida , I. Lucas , A. Anad´on , D. Kikuchi , P. A. Algarabel , L. Morellón , M. R. Ibarra , E. Saitoh JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 126 14 143903 (2019) 10.1063/1.5125761