Published paper

論文リストPapers list

No. Title Author Bibliography DOI
”Observation of gyromagnetic reversal” M. Imai , Y. Ogata , H. Chudo , M. Ono , K. Harii , M. Matsuo , Y. Ohnuma , S. Maekawa , E. Saitoh APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 113 5 52402 (2018) 10.1063/1.5041464
”Angular momentum compensation manipulation to room temperature of the ferrimagnet Ho3-xDyxFe5O12 detected by the Barnett effect” M. Imai , H. Chudo , M. Ono , K. Harii , M. Matsuo , Y. Ohnuma , S. Maekawa , E. Saitoh APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 114 16 162402 (2019) 10.1063/1.5095166
”Enhancement of domain-wall mobility detected by NMR at the angular momentum compensation temperature” M. Imai , H. Chudo , M. Matsuo , S. Maekawa , E. Saitoh PHYSICAL REVIEW B 102 1 14407 (2020) 10.1103/PhysRevB.102.014407
"Observation of the Angular Momentum Compensation by Barnett Effect and NMR" H. Chudo , M. Imai , M. Matsuo , S. Maekawa , E. Saitoh JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 90 8 081003 (2021) 10.7566/JPSJ.90.081003