Published paper

論文リストPapers list

No. Title Author Bibliography DOI
”Mechanism of Neel Order Switching in Antiferromagnetic Thin Films Revealed by Magnetotransport and Direct Imaging” L. Baldrati , O. Gomonay , A. Ross , M. Filianina , R. Lebrun , R. Ramos , C. Leveile , F. Fuhrmann , T. R. Forrest , F. Maccherozzi , S. Valencia , F. Kronast , E. Saitoh , J. Sinova , M. Kläui PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 123 17 177201 (2019) 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.177201
”Efficient Spin Torques in Antiferromagnetic CoO/Pt Quantified by Comparing Field- and Current-Induced Switching” L. Baldrati , C. Schmitt , O. Gomonay , R. Lebrun , R. Ramos , E. Saitoh , J. Sinova , M. Kläui PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 125 7 77201 (2020) 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.077201
”Concurrent magneto-optical imaging and magneto-transport readout of electrical switching of insulating antiferromagnetic thin films” F. Schreiber , L. Baldrati , C. Schmitt , R. Ramos , E. Saitoh , R. Lebrun , M. Kläui APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 117 8 82401 (2020) 10.1063/5.0011852