Published paper

論文リストPapers list

No. Title Author Bibliography DOI
“Electroresistance effect in gold thin film induced by ionic liquid gated electric double layer” H. Nakayama , J. Ye , T. Ohtani , Y. Fujikawa , K. Ando , Y. Iwasa , E. Saitoh Applied Physics Express 5 023002_1-023002_3 (2012) 10.1143/APEX.5.023002
“Suppression of spin pumping in the presence of thin titanium interlayer” H. Nakayama , T. Tashiro , R. Takahashi , Y. Kajiwara , T. Ohtani , K. Ando , R. Iguchi , K. Uchida , T. Yoshino , E. Saitoh Key Engineering Materials 508 347-352 (2012) 10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.508.347
“Spin Hall Magnetoresistance Induced by a Non-Equilibrium Proximity Effect” H. Nakayama , M. Althammer , Y.-T. Chen , K. Uchida , Y. Kajiwara , D. Kikuchi , T. Ohtani , S. Geprägs , M. Opel , S. Takahashi , R. Gross , G. E. W. Bauer , S. T. B. Goennenwein , E. Saitoh Physical Review Letters 110 206601_1-206601_5 (2013) 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.206601
“Interface-dependent magnetotransport properties for thin Pt films on ferrimagnetic Y3Fe5O12” Y. Shiomi , T. Ohtani , S. Iguchi , T. Sasaki , Z. Qiu , H. Nakayama , K. Uchida , E. Saitoh Applied Physics Letters 104 242406_1-242406_3 (2014) 10.1063/1.4883898