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No. Title Author Bibliography DOI
“Field-angle dependence of magnetic resonance in FeNi/Pt films” H.Y. Inoue , K. Harii , E. Saitoh Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 310 e699-e701 (2007) 10.1016/j.jmmm.2006.10.992
“Detection of pure inverse spin-Hall effect induced by spin pumping at various excitation” H.Y. Inoue , K. Harii , K. Ando , K. Sasage , E. Saitoh Journal of Applied Physics 102 083915_1-083915_4 (2007) 10.1063/1.2799068
“Ferromagnetic resonance spectra in patterned and unpatterned NiFe/Pt films” K. Ando , K. Sasage , K. Harii , E. Saitoh Physica Status Solidi B 244 4522-4525 (2007) 10.1002/pssb.200777289
“Detection of inverse spin-Hall effect in Palladium” K. Harii , K. Ando , K. Sasage , E. Saitoh Physica Status Solidi C 4 4437-4440 (2007) 10.1002/pssc.200777281
”Solid-state physics - New order for magnetism” E. Saitoh NATURE 455 7212 474-475 (2008) 10.1038/455474a
“Inverse spin-Hall effect and spin pumping in metallic films” K. Harii , K. Ando , H.Y. Inoue , E , Sasage , E. Saitoh Journal of Applied Physics 103 07F311_1-07F311_4 (2008) 10.1063/1.2837869
“Angular dependence of inverse spin-Hall effect induced by spin pumping investigated in a Ni81Fe19/Pt thin film" K. Ando , Y. Kajiwara , S. Takahashi , S. Maekawa , K. Takemoto , M. Takatsu , E. Saitoh Physical Review B 78 014413_1-014413_6 (2008) 10.1103/PhysRevB.78.014413FPhysRevB.78.014413
“Electric manipulation of spin relaxation using spin-Hall effect” K. Ando , S. Takahashi , K. Harii , K. Sasage , J. Ieda , S. Maekawa , E. Saitoh Physical Review Letters 101 036601_1-036601_4 (2008) 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.036601
“Observation of the spin Seebeck effect” K. Uchida , S. Takahashi , K. Harii , J. Ieda , W. Koshibae , K. Ando , S. Maekawa , E. Saitoh Nature 455 778-781 (2008) 10.1038/nature07321
“Measurement of spin current using spin relaxation modulation induced by spin injection” K. Ando , H. Nakayama , Y. Kajiwara , D. Kikuchi , K. Sasage , K. Uchida , K. Ikeda , E. Saitoh Journal of Applied Physics 105 07C913_1-07C913_3 (2009) 10.1063/1.3063081
“Spin pumping and spin-Hall effect observed in metallic films” Y. Kajiwara , K. Ando , K. Sasage , E. Saitoh Journal of Physics (conference series) 150 042080_1-042080_4 (2009) 10.1088/1742-6596/150/4/042080
“Phenomenological analysis for spin-Seebeck effect in metallic magnets K. Uchida , S. Takahashi , K. Harii , J. Ieda , W. Koshibae , K. Ando , S. Maekawa , E. Saitoh Journal of Applied Physics 105 07C908_1-07C908_3 (2009) 10.1063/1.3056581
“Magnetic force microscopic study on domain-wall molecules in NiFe nano rings” K. Sasage , N. Okamoto , H. Tsujikawa , T Yamaoka , E. Saitoh Solid State Phenomena 152-153 529-532 (2009) 10.4028/www.scientific.net/SSP.152-153.529
“Optimum condition for spin-current generation from magnetization precession in thin film systems” K. Ando , T. Yoshino , E. Saitoh Applied Physics Letters 94 152509_1-152509_3 (2009) 10.1063/1.3119314
“Spin Seebeck Effect in Ni81Fe19/Pt Thin Films with different widths” K. Uchida , K. Sasage , H. Nakayama , K. Ikeda , E. Saitoh IEEE transactions on magnetics 45 2386-2388 (2009) 10.1109/TMAG.2009.2018582
“Spin-Seebeck effects in Ni81Fe19/Pt films” K. Uchida , T. Ota , K. Harii , S. Takahashi , S. Maekawa , Y. Fujikawa , E. Saitoh IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS 45 6 2386-2388 (2009) 10.1109/TMAG.2009.2018582
“Electric detection of spin wave resonance using inverse spin-Hall effect” K. Ando , J. Ieda , K. Sasage , S. Takahashi , S. Maekawa , E. Saitoh Applied Physics Letters 94 262505_1-262505_3 (2009) 10.1063/1.3167826
“Electric detection of the spin-Seebeck effect in Ni and Fe thin films at room temperature” T. Ota , K. Uchida , Y. Kitamura , T. Yoshino , H. Nakayama , E. Saitoh Journal of Physics (conference series) 200 062020_1-062020_4 (2010) 10.1088/1742-6596/200/6/062020
“Detection of inverse spin-Hall effect in Nb and Nb40Ti60 thin films” T. Yoshino , Y. Kajiwara , K. Ando , H. Nakayama , T. Ota , K. Uchida , E. Saitoh Journal of Physics (conference series) 200 062038_1-062038_4 (2010) 10.1088/1742-6596/200/6/062038
“Detection of inverse spin-Hall effect induced in Pt1-xMx (M = Cu, Au) thin films” H. Nakayama , K. Harii , Y. Kajiwara , T. Yoshino , K. Ando , K. Uchida , T. Ota , E. Saitoh Journal of Physics (conference series) 200 062014_1-062014_4 (2010) 10.1088/1742-6596/200/6/062014
“Spin current through a normal-metal/ferromagnetic-insulator junction” S. Takahashi , E. Saitoh , S. Maekawa Journal of Physics (conference series) 200 062030_1-062030_4 (2010) 10.1088/1742-6596/200/6/062030
“Photoinduced inverse spin-Hall effect: Conversion of light-polarization information into electric voltage” K. Ando , M. Morikawa , T. Trypiniotis , Y. Fujikawa , C. H. W. Barnes , E. Saitoh Applied Physics Letters 96 082502_1-082502_4 (2010) 10.1063/1.3327809
“Transmission of electrical signals by spin-wave interconversion in a magnetic insulator” Y. Kajiwara , K. Harii , S. Takahashi , J. Ohe , K. Uchida , M. Mizuguchi , H. Umezawa , H. Kawai , K. Ando , K. Takanashi , S. Maekawa , E. Saitoh Nature 464 262-266 (2010) 10.1038/nature08876
“Modulation of Gyromagnetic Ratio in Ni81Fe19 Thin Film Due to Spin Pumping” K. Sasage , K. Harii , K. Uchida , E. Saitoh Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 322 1425-1427 (2010) 10.1016/j.jmmm.2009.07.041
“Angular dependence of inverse spin-Hall effect induced by spin pumping: experimental verification of phenomenological model of spin pumping” K. Ando , T. Yoshino , N. Okamoto , Y. Kajiwara , K. Sasage , K. Uchida , E. Saitoh Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 322 1422-1424 (2010) 10.1016/j.jmmm.2009.09.035
“Electric detection of the spin-Seebeck effect in ferromagnetic metals” K. Uchida , T. Ota , K. Harii , K. Ando , H. Nakayama , E. Saitoh Journal of Applied Physics 107 09A951_1-09A951_5 (2010) 10.1063/1.3357413
“Direct conversion of light-polarization information into electric voltage using photoinduced inverse spin-Hall effect in Pt/GaAs hybrid structure: Spin photodetector” K. Ando , M. Morikawa , T. Trypiniotis , Y. Fujikawa , C. H. W. Barnes , E. Saitoh Journal of Applied Physics 107 113902_1-113902_5 (2010) 10.1063/1.3418441
“Inverse spin-Hall effect induced by spin pumping in different thickness Pt films” H. Nakayama , K. Ando , K. Harii , Y. Kajiwara , T. Yoshino , K. Uchida , E. Saitoh IEEE Transaction on Magnetics 46 2202-2204 (2010) 10.1109/TMAG.2010.2042150
“Theory of magnon-driven spin Seebeck effect” J. Xiao , G. E. W. Bauer , K. Uchida , E. Saitoh , S. Maekawa Physical Review B 81 214418 (2010) 10.1103/PhysRevB.81.214418
“Inverse spin-Hall effect induced by spin pumping in various metals” K. Ando , Y. Kajiwara , K. Sasage , K. Uchida , E. Saitoh IEEE transactions on magnetics 46 3694-3696 (2010) 10.1109/TMAG.2010.2060382
“Observation of longitudinal spin-Seebeck effect in magnetic insulators” K. Uchida , H. Adachi , T. Ota , H. Nakayama , S. Maekawa , E. Saitoh Applied Physics Letters 97 172505_1-172505_3 (2010) 10.1063/1.3507386
“Spin Seebeck insulator” K. Uchida , J. Xiao , H. Adachi , J. Ohe , S. Takahashi , J. Ieda , T. Ota , Y. Kajiwara , H. Umezawa , H. Kawai , G. E. W. Bauer , S. Maekawa , E. Saitoh Nature materials 9 894-897 (2010) 10.1038/nmat2856
“Inverse spin-Hall effect in palladium at room temperature” K. Ando , E. Saitoh Journal of Applied Physics 108 113925_1-113925_4 (2010) 10.1063/1.3517131
“Enhancement of the spin pumping efficiency by spin wave mode selection” C. W. Sandweg , Y. Kajiwara , K. Ando , E. Saitoh , B. Hillebrands Applied Physics Letters 97 252504_1-252504_3 (2010) 10.1063/1.3528207
“Gigantic enhancement of spin Seebeck effect by phonon drag” H. Adachi , K. Uchida , E. Saitoh , J. Ohe , S. Takahashi , S. Maekawa Applied Physics Letters 97 252506_1-252506_3 (2010) 10.1063/1.3529944
“Longitudinal spin-Seebeck effect in sintered polycrystalline ( Mn , Zn ) Fe2O4” K. Uchida , T. Nonaka , T. Ota , E. Saitoh Applied Physics Letters 97 262504_1-262504_3 (2010) 10.1063/1.3533397
“Spin current study of spin glass AgMn using spin pumping effect” R Iguchi , K. Ando , E. Saitoh , T. Sato Journal of Physics (conference series) 266 012089_1-012089_4 (2011) 10.1088/1742-6596/266/1/012089
“Inverse spin-Hall effect induced by spin pumping in different size Ni81Fe19/Pt films” H. Nakayama , K. Ando , K. Harii , Y. Fujikawa , Y. Kajiwara , T. Yoshino , E. Saitoh Journal of Physics (conference series) 266 012100_1-012100_4 (2011) 10.1088/1742-6596/266/1/012100
“Spin pumping and magnetization-precession trajectory in thin film systems” T. Nonaka , K. Ando , T. Yoshino , E. Saitoh Journal of Physics (conference Series) 266 012101_1-012101_4 (2011) 10.1088/1742-6596/266/1/012101
“Quantifying spin mixing conductance in F/Pt (F =Ni, Fe, and Ni81Fe19) bilayer film” T. Yoshino , K. Ando , K. Harii , H. Nakayama , Y. Kajiwara , E. Saitoh Journal of Physics (conference Series) 266 012115_1-012115_4 (2011) 10.1088/1742-6596/266/1/012115
“Effects of mechanical rotation on spin currents” M. Matsuo , J. Ieda , E. Saitoh , S. Maekawa Physical Review Letters 106 076601_1-076601_1 (2011) 10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.076601
“Inverse spin-Hall effect induced by spin pumping in metallic system” K. Ando , S. Takahashi , J. Ieda , Y. Kajiwara , H. Nakayama , T. Yoshino , K. Harii , Y. Fujikawa , M. Matsuo , S. Maekawa , E. Saitoh Journal of Applied Physics 109 103913_1-103913_11 (2011) 10.1063/1.3587173
“Universality of the spin pumping in metallic bilayer Films” T. Yoshino , K. Ando , K. Harii , H. Nakayama , Y. Kajiwara , E. Saitoh Applied Physics Letters 98 132503_1-132503_3 (2011) 10.1063/1.3571556
“Spin Pumping Efficiency from Half Metallic Co2MnSi” H. Chudo , K. Ando , K. Saito , S. Okayasu , R. Haruki , Y. Sakuraba , H. Yasuoka , K. Takanashi , E. Saitoh Journal of Applied Physics 109 073915_1-073915_4 (2011) 10.1063/1.3556433
“Spin Pumping by Parametrically Excited Exchange Magnons” C. W. Sandweg , Y. Kajiwara , A. V. Chumak , A. A. Serga , V. I. Vasyuchka , M. B. Jungfleisch , E. Saitoh , B. Hillebrands Physical Review Letters 106 216601_1-216601_4 (2011) 10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.216601
“Frequency Dependence of Spin Pumping in Pt/Y3Fe5O12 Film” K. Harii , T. An , Y. Kajiwara , K. Ando , H. Nakayama , T. Yoshino , E. Saitoh Journal of Applied Physics 109 116105_1-116105_3 (2011) 10.1063/1.3594661
“Detection of spin-wave spin current in a magnetic insulator” Y. Kajiwara , S. Takahashi , S. Maekawa , E. Saitoh IEEE Transaction on Magnetics 47 1591-1594 (2011) 10.1109/TMAG.2011.2118747
“Spin current depolarization under high electric fields in undoped InGaAs” N. Okamoto , H. Kurebayashi , K. Harii , Y. Kajiwara , H. Beere , I. Farrer , T. Trypiniotis , K. Ando , D. A. Ritchie , C. H. W. Barnes , E. Saitoh Applied Physics Letters 98 242104_1-242104_3 (2011) 10.1063/1.3599599
“Spin current generation due to mechanical rotation in the presence of impurity scattering” M. Matsuo , J. Ieda , E. Saitoh , S. Maekawa Applied Physics Letters 98 242501_1-242501_3 (2011) 10.1063/1.3597220
“Spin Seebeck effect in thin films of the Heusler compound Co2MnSi” S. Bosu , Y. Sakuraba , K. Uchida , K. Saito , T. Ota , E. Saitoh , K. Takanashi Physical Review B 83 224401_1-224401_6 (2011) 10.1103/PhysRevB.83.224401
“Electric detection of the spin-Seebeck effect in magnetic insulator in the presence of interface barrier” K. Uchida , T. Ota , Y. Kajiwara , H. Umezawa , H. Kawai , E. Saitoh Journal of Physics (conference series) 303 012096_1-012096_4 (2011) 10.1088/1742-6596/303/1/012096
“Nonlinear spin pumping induced by parametric excitation” K. Ando , T. An , E. Saitoh Applied Physics Letters 99 092510_1-092510_4 (2011) 10.1063/1.3633348
“Electrically tunable spin injector free from the impedance mismatch problem” K. Ando , S. Takahashi , J. Ieda , H. Kurebayashi , T. Trypiniotis , C. H. W. Barnes , S. Maekawa , E. Saitoh Nature materials 10 655-659 (2011) 10.1038/nmat3052
“Spin-dependent inertial force and spin current in accelerating systems” M. Matsuo , J. Ieda , E. Saitoh , S. Maekawa Physical Review B 84 104410_1-104410_9 (2011) 10.1103/PhysRevB.84.104410
“Spin pumping in polycrystalline magnetic insulator/metal Pt films” Y. Kajiwara , K. Ando , H. Nakayama , R. Takahashi , E. Saitoh IEEE Transaction on Magnetics 47 2739-2742 (2011) 10.1109/TMAG.2011.2150737
“Long-range spin Seebeck effect and acoustic spin pumping” K. Uchida , H. Adachi , T. An , T. Ota , M. Toda , B. Hillebrands , S. Maekawa , E. Saitoh Nature materials 10 737-741 (2011) 10.1038/nmat3099
“Temporal evolution of inverse spin Hall effect voltage in a magnetic insulator-nonmagnetic metal structure” M.B. Jungfleisch , A.V. Chumak , V.I. Vasyuchka , A.A. Serga , B. Obry , H. Schultheiss , P. A. Beck , A.D. Karenowska , E. Saitoh , B. Hillebrands Applied Physics Letters 99 182512_1-182512_3 (2011) 10.1063/1.3658398
“Surface-acoustic-wave-driven spin pumping in Y3Fe5O12/Pt hybrid structures” K. Uchida , T. An , Y. Kajiwara , M. Toda , E. Saitoh Applied Physics Letters 99 212501_1-212501_3 (2011) 10.1063/1.3662032
“Continuous Generation of Spinmotive Force in a Patterned Ferromagnetic Film” Y. Yamane , K. Sasage , T. An , K. Harii , J. Ohe , J. Ieda , S. E. Barnes , E. Saitoh , S. Maekawa Physical Review Letters 107 236602_1-236602_4 (2011) 10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.236602
“Local Spin-Seebeck Effect Enabling Two-Dimensional Position Sensing” K. Uchida , A. Kirihara , M. Ishida , R. Takahashi , E. Saitoh Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (Rapid Communication) 50 120211_1-120211_3 (2011) 10.1143/JJAP.50.120211
“Observation of inverse spin-Hall effect in silicon” K. Ando , E. Saitoh Nature communications 3 629_1-629_6 (2012) 10.1038/ncomms1640
“All-oxide system for spin pumping” Z. Qiu , Y. Kajiwara , K. Ando , Y. Fujikawa , K. Uchida , T. Tashiro , K. Harii , T. Yoshino , E. Saitoh Applied Physics Letters 100 022402_1-022402_3 (2012) 10.1063/1.3675463
“Electroresistance effect in gold thin film induced by ionic liquid gated electric double layer” H. Nakayama , J. Ye , T. Ohtani , Y. Fujikawa , K. Ando , Y. Iwasa , E. Saitoh Applied Physics Express 5 023002_1-023002_3 (2012) 10.1143/APEX.5.023002
“Suppression of spin pumping in the presence of thin titanium interlayer” H. Nakayama , T. Tashiro , R. Takahashi , Y. Kajiwara , T. Ohtani , K. Ando , R. Iguchi , K. Uchida , T. Yoshino , E. Saitoh Key Engineering Materials 508 347-352 (2012) 10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.508.347
“Spin pumping in a ferromagnetic/nonmagnetic/spin-sink trilayer film: spin current termination” K. Harii , Z. Qiu , T. Iwashita , Y. Kajiwara , K. Uchida , K. Ando , T. An , Y. Fujikawa , E. Saitoh Key Engineering Materials 508 266-270 (2012) 10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.508.266
“Acoustic spin pumping: Direct generation of spin currents from sound waves in Y3Fe5O12/Pt hybrid structures” K. Uchida , H. Adachi , T. An , H. Nakayama , M. Toda , B. Hillebrands , S. Maekawa , E. Saitoh Journal of Applied Physics 111 053903_1-053903_8 (2012) 10.1063/1.3688332
“Scaling fit of spin pumping in various ferromagnetic materials” Journal of Applied Physics 111 07C502_1-07C502_3 (2012) 10.1063/1.3670462
“Electrical determination of spin mixing conductance at metal/insulator interface using inverse spin-Hall effect” R. Takahashi , R. Iguchi , K. Ando , H. Nakayama , T. Yoshino , E. Saitoh Journal of Applied Physics 111 07C307_1-07C307_3 (2012) 10.1063/1.3673429
“Thermal artifact on the spin Seebeck effect in metallic thin films deposited on MgO substrates” S. Bosu , Y. Sakuraba , K. Uchida , K. Saito , W , Kobayashi , E. Saitoh , K. Takanashi Journal of Applied Physics 111 07B106_1-07B106_3 (2012) 10.1063/1.3677824
“Geometry dependence on inverse spin Hall effect induced by spin pumping in Ni81Fe19/Pt film” H. Nakayama , K. Ando , K. Harii , T. Yoshino , R. Takahashi , Y. Kajiwara , K. Uchida , Y. Fujikawa , E. Saitoh Physical Review B 85 144408_1-144408_7 (2012) 10.1103/PhysRevB.85.144408
“Spin Caloritronics” G. E. W. Bauer , E. Saitoh , B. J. van Wees Nature materials 11 391-399 (2012) 10.1038/nmat3301
“Thermal spin pumping and magnon-phonon-mediated spin-Seebeck effect” K. Uchida , T. Ota , H. Adachi , J. Xiao , T. Nonaka , Y. Kajiwara , G. E. W. Bauer , S. Maekawa , E. Saitoh Journal of Applied Physics 111 103903_1-103903_12 (2012) 10.1063/1.4716012
“Spin Pumping Driven by Bistable Exchange Spin Waves” K. Ando , E. Saitoh Physics Review Letters 109 026602_1-026602_5 (2012) 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.026602
“Interface induced inverse Spin Hall effect in bismuth/permalloy bilayer” D. Hou , Z. Qiu , K. Harii , Y. Kajiwara , K. Uchida , Y. Fujikawa , H. Nakayama , T. Yoshino , T. An , K. Ando , X. Jin , E. Saitoh Applied Physics Letters 101 042403_1-042403_4 (2012) 10.1063/1.4738786
“Spin-current-driven thermoelectric coating” A. Kirihara , K. Uchida , Y. Kajiwara , M. Ishida , Y. Nakamura , T. Manako , E. Saitoh , S. Yorozu Nature materials 11 686-689 (2012) 10.1038/nmat3360
“Anomalous Nernst effect in an L10-ordered epitaxial FePt thin film” M. Mizuguchi , S. Ohata , K. Uchida , E. Saitoh , K. Takanashi Applied Physics Express 5 093002_1-093002_3 (2012) 10.1143/APEX.5.093002
“Enhancement of spin-Seebeck voltage by spin-Hall thermopile” K. Uchida , T. Nonaka , T. Yoshino , T. Kikkawa , D. Kikuchi , E. Saitoh Applied Physics Express 5 093001_1-093001_3 (2012) 10.1143/APEX.5.093001
“Spin Pumping without Three-Magnon Splitting in Polycrystalline Bi1Y2Fe5O12 (Bi:YIG)/Pt Bilayer Structure” R. Iguchi , K. Ando , R. Takahashi , T. An , E. Saitoh , T. Sato Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 51 103004_1-103004_5 (2012) 10.1143/JJAP.51.103004
“Directional control of spin wave emission by spatially shaped light” T. Satoh , Y. Terui , R. Moriya , B. s A. Ivanov , K. Ando , E. Saitoh , T. Shimura , K. Kuroda Nature photonics 6 662-666 (2012) 10.1038/nphoton.2012.218
”Thickness dependence of spin pumping at YIG/Pt interface” T. Tashiro , R. Takahashi , Y. Kajiwara , K. Ando , H. Nakayama , T. Yoshino , D. Kikuchi , E. Saitoh SPINTRONICS V (2012) 10.1117/12.930833
“Evaluation of Nonlinear Effect in High Power Spin Pumping in Polycrystalline Bi-Substituted Yttrium Iron Garnet (Bi:YIG)/Pt Bilayer Structure” R. Iguchi , K. Ando , T. An , E. Saitoh , T. Sato IEEE Transaction on Magnetics 48 3051-3053 (2012) 10.1109/TMAG.2012.2202382
“Spin pumping by nonreciprocal spin waves under local excitation” R. Iguchi , K. Ando , Z. Qiu , T. An , E. Saitoh , T. Sato Applies Physics Letters 102 022406_1-022406_3 (2013) 10.1063/1.4775685
“Spin Seebeck effect in antiferromagnets and compensated ferrimagnets” Y. Ohnuma , H. Adachi , E. Saitoh , S. Maekawa Physics Review B 87 014423_1-014423_7 (2013) 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.014423
“Longitudinal Spin Seebeck Effect Free from the Proximity Nernst Effect” T. Kikkawa , K. Uchida , Y. Shiomi , Z. Qiu , D. Hou , D. Tian , H. Nakayama , X. Jin , E. Saitoh Physical Review Letters 110 067207_1-067207_5 (2013) 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.067207
“Heat-induced damping modification in yttrium iron garnet/platinum hetero-structures” M. B. Jungfleisch , T. An , K. Ando , Y. Kajiwara , K. Uchida , V.I. Vasyuchka , A. V. Chumak , A. A. Serga , E. Saitoh , B. Hillebrands Applies Physics Letters 102 062417_1-062417_4 (2013) 10.1063/1.4792701
“Observation of the spin Seebeck effect in epitaxial Fe3O4 thin films” R. Ramos , T. Kikkawa , K. Uchida , I. Lucas , M.H. Aguirre , H. Adachi , P. Algarabel , L. Morell´on , S. Maekawa , E. Saitoh , M.R. Ibarra Applies Physics Letters 102 072413_1-072413_5 (2013) 10.1063/1.4793486
“Thermal driven spin and charge currents in thin NiFe2O4/Pt films” D. Meier , T. Kuschelta , L. Shen , A. Gup , T. Kikkawa , K. Uchida , E. Saitoh , J.-M. Schmalhorst , G. Reiss Physical Review B 87 054421_1-054421_5 (2013) 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.054421
“Theory of the Spin Seebeck Effect” H. Adachi , K. Uchida , E. Saitoh , S. Maekawa Reports on Progress in Physics 76 036501_1-036501_20 (2013) 10.1088/0034-4885/76/3/036501
“Spin-pump-induced spin transport in p-type Si at room temperature” E. Shikoh , K. Ando , K. Kubo , E. Saitoh , M. Shiraishi Physical Review Letters 110 127201_1-127201_5 (2013) 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.127201
“Longitudinal spin Seebeck effect in various garnet ferrites” K. Uchida , T. Nonaka , T. Kikkawa , Y. Kajiwara , E. Saitoh Physical Review B 87 104412_1-104412_6 (2013) 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.104412
“Theory of spin Hall magnetoresistance” Y.-T. Chen , S. Takahashi , H. Nakayama , M. Althammer , S.B.T. Goennenwein , E. Saitoh , G. E. W. Bauer Physics Review B 87 144411_1-144411_9 (2013) 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.144411
“Chiral spin-wave edge modes in dipolar magnetic thin films” R. Shindou , J. Ohe , R. Matsumoto , S. Murakami , E. Saitoh Physical Review B 87 174402_1-174402_5 (2013) 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.174402
“Spin Hall Magnetoresistance Induced by a Non-Equilibrium Proximity Effect” H. Nakayama , M. Althammer , Y.-T. Chen , K. Uchida , Y. Kajiwara , D. Kikuchi , T. Ohtani , S. Geprägs , M. Opel , S. Takahashi , R. Gross , G. E. W. Bauer , S. T. B. Goennenwein , E. Saitoh Physical Review Letters 110 206601_1-206601_5 (2013) 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.206601
“Effects of mechanical rotation and vibration on spin currents" M. Matsuo , J. Ieda , E. Saitoh , S. Maekawa Journal of Korean Physical Society 62 1404-1409 (2013) 10.3938/jkps.62.1404
“Mechanical generation of spin current by spin-rotation coupling” M. Matsuo , J. Ieda , K. Harii , E. Saitoh , S. Maekawa Physical Review B Rapid 87 180402_1-180402_5 (2013) 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.180402
“Quantitative study of the spin Hall magnetoresistance in ferromagnetic insulator/normal metal hybrids” M. Althammer , S. Meyer , H. Nakayama , M. Schreier , S. Altmannshofer , M. Weiler , H. Huebl , S. Gepraegs , M. Opel , R. Gross , D. Meier , C. Klew , T. Kuschel , J.-M. Schmalhorst , G. Reiss , L. Shen , A. Gupta , Y.-T. Chen , G. E. W. Bauer , E. Saitoh , S.T.B. Goennenwein Physical Review B 87 224401_1-224401_1 (2013) 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.224401
“Unidirectional spin-wave heat conveyer” T. An , V. I. Vasyuchka , K. Uchida , A. V. Chumak , K. Yamaguchi , h , K. Harii , J. Ohe , M. B. Jungfleisch , Y. Kajiwara , H. Adachi , B. Hillebrands , S. Maekawa , E. Saitoh Nature materials 12 549-553 (2013) 10.1038/nmat3628
“Solution-processed organic spin–charge converter” K. Ando , S. Watanabe , S. Mooser , E. Saitoh , H. Sirringhaus Nature materials 12 622-627 (2013) 10.1038/nmat3634
“Thermal imaging of standing spin waves” T. An , K. Yamaguchi , K. Uchida , E. Saitoh Applies Physics Letters 103 052410_1-052410_3 (2013) 10.1063/1.4816737
“Spin-relaxation modulation and spin-pumping control by transverse spin-wave spin current in Y3Fe5O12” Y. Kajiwara , K. Uchida , T. An , Y. Fujikawa , E. Saitoh Applies Physics Letters 103 052404_1-052404_4 (2013) 10.1063/1.4817076
“Spin mixing conductance at a well-controlled platinum/yttrium iron garnet interface” Z. Qiu , K. Ando , K. Uchida , Y. Kajiwara , R. Takahashi , H. Nakayama , T. An , Y. Fujikawa , E. Saitoh Applies Physics Letters 103 092404_1-092404_3 (2013) 10.1063/1.4819460
“Current-induced spin polarization on a Pt surface: A new approach using spin-polarized positron annihilation spectroscopy” A. Kawasuso , Y. Fukaya , M. Maekawa , H. Zhang , T. Seki , T. Yoshino , E. Saitoh , K. Takanashi Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 342 139-143 (2013) 10.1016/j.jmmm.2013.04.006
“Spin Current: Experimental and Theoretical Aspects” S. Maekawa , H. Adachi , K. Uchida , J. Ieda , E. Saitoh Journal of Physical Society of Japan 82 102002_1-10200224 (2013) 10.7566/JPSJ.82.102002
“Experimental investigation of spin Hall effect in indium tin oxide thin film” Z. Qiu , T. An , K. Uchida , D. Hou , Y. Fujikawa , E. Saitoh Applied Physics Letters 103 182404_1-182404_3 (2013) 10.1063/1.4827808
”Spin-wave spin current in magnetic insulators” K. Uchida , H. Adachi , Y. Kajiwara , S. Maekawa , E. Saitoh Solid State Physics - Advances in Research and Applications 1-27 (2013) 10.1016/B978-0-12-408130-7.00001-0
“Separation of longitudinal spin Seebeck effect from anomalous Nernst effect: Determination of the origin of transverse thermoelectric voltage in metal/insulator junctions” T. Kikkawa , K. Uchida , S. Daimon , Y. Shiomi , Z. Qiu , D. Hou , H. Adachi , S. Maekawa , X.-F. Jin , E. Saitoh Physical Review B 88 214403_1-214403_11 (2013) 10.1103/PhysRevB.88.214403
“Effect of spin Hall magnetoresistance on spin pumping measurements in insulating magnet/metal systems” R. Iguchi , K. Sato , D. Hirobe , S. Daimon , E. Saitoh Applied Physics Express 7 013003_1-013003_3 (2014) 10.7567/APEX.7.013003
“Polaron spin current transport in organic semiconductors” S. Watanabe , K. Ando , K. Kang , S. Mooser , Y. Vaynzof , H. Kurebayashi , M. Heeney , E. Saitoh , H. Sirringhaus Nature physics 10 308-313 (2014) 10.1038/nphys2901
“Current-induced spin polarization on metal surfaces probed by spin-polarized positron beam” H. J. Zhang , S. Yamamoto , Y. Fukaya , M. Maekawa , H. Li , A. Kawasuso , T. Seki , E. Saitoh , K. Takanashi Scientific reports 4 4844_1-4844_5 (2014) 10.1038/srep04844
“Enhanced DC Spin Pumping into a Fluctuating Ferromagnet near Tc” Y. Ohnuma , H. Adachi , E. Saitoh , S. Maekawa Physical Review B 89 174417_1-174417_10 (2014) 10.1103/PhysRevB.89.174417
“Observation of Barnett fields in solids by nuclear magnetic resonance” H. Chudo , M. Ono , K. Harii , M. Matsuo , J. Ieda , R. Haruki , S. Okayasu , S. Maekawa , H. Yasuoka , E. Saitoh Applied Physics Express 7 063004_1-063004_4 (2014) 10.7567/APEX.7.063004
“Interface-dependent magnetotransport properties for thin Pt films on ferrimagnetic Y3Fe5O12” Y. Shiomi , T. Ohtani , S. Iguchi , T. Sasaki , Z. Qiu , H. Nakayama , K. Uchida , E. Saitoh Applied Physics Letters 104 242406_1-242406_3 (2014) 10.1063/1.4883898
”Spin-Seebeck thermoelectric converter” 2014 IEEE INTERNATIONAL NANOELECTRONICS CONFERENCE (INEC) (2014) 10.1109/INEC.2014.7460433
“Anomalous Nernst effect of Fe3O4 single crystal” R. Ramos , M.H. Aguirre , A. Anad´on , J. Blasco , I. Lucas , K. Uchida , P.A. Algarabel , L. Morell´on , E. Saitoh , M.R. Ibarra Physical Review B 90 054422_1-054422_4 (2014) 10.1103/PhysRevB.90.054422
“Longitudinal spin Seebeck effect: from fundamentals to applications” K. Uchida , M. Ishida , T. Kikkawa , A. Kirihara , T. Murakami , E. Saitoh Journal of physics: condensed matter 26 343202- (2014) 10.1088/0953-8984/26/34/343202
“Electric control of the spin Hall effect by intervalley transitions” N. Okamoto , H. Kurebayashi , T. Trypiniotis , I. Farrer , D. A. Ritchie , E. Saitoh , J. Sinova , J. Mašek , T. Jungwirth , C. H. W. Barnes Nature materials 13 932-937 (2014) 10.1038/nmat4059
“Spin current generation from sputtered Y3Fe5O12 films” J. Lustikova , Y. Shiomi , Z. Qiu , T. Kikkawa , R. Iguchi , K. Uchida , E. Saitoh Journal of Applied Physics 116 153902_1-153902_6 (2014) 10.1063/1.4898161
“Pure detection of the acoustic spin pumping in Pt/YIG/PZT structures” K. Uchida , Z. Qiu , T. Kikkawa , E. Saitoh Solid State Communications 198 26-29 (2014) 10.1016/j.ssc.2013.10.012
“Spin-Electricity Conversion Induced by Spin Injection into Topological Insulators” Y. Shiomi , K. Nomura , Y. Kajiwara , K. Eto , M. Novak , K. Segawa , Y. Ando , E. Saitoh Physical Review Letters 113 196601_1-196601_4 (2014) 10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.196601
“Quantitative Temperature Dependence of Longitudinal Spin Seebeck Effect at High Temperatures” K. Uchida , T. Kikkawa , A. Miura , J. Shiomi , E. Saitoh Physical Review X 4 41023- (2014) 10.1103/PhysRevX.4.041023
“Paramagnetic spin pumping” Y. Shiomi , E. Saitoh Physical Review Letters 113 266602_1-266602_5 (2014) 10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.266602
“Generation of spin currents by surface plasmon resonance” K. Uchida , H. Adachi , D. Kikuchi , S. Ito , Z. Qiu , S. Maekawa , E. Saitoh Nature communications 6 5910- (2015) 10.1038/ncomms6910
“Sign of inverse spin Hall voltages generated by ferromagnetic resonance and temperature gradients in yttrium iron garnet platinum bilayers “ M. Schreier , G. E. W. Bauer , V.I. Vasyuchka , J. Flipse , K. Uchida , J. Lotze , V. Lauer , A. Chumak , A. A. Serga , S. Daimon , T. Kikkawa , E. Saitoh , B. J. van Wees , B. Hillebrands , R. Gross , S. T. B. Goennenwein Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 48 25001- (2015) 10.1088/0022-3727/48/2/025001
“Spin Hall magnetoresistance at high temperatures“ K. Uchida , Z. Qiu , T. Kikkawa , R. Iguchi , E. Saitoh Applied Physics Letters 106 52405- (2015) 10.1063/1.4907546
”Generation of Spin Currents in the Skyrmion Phase of a Helimagnetic Insulator Cu2OSeO3” D. Hirobe , Y. Shiomi , Y. Shimada , J. Ohe , E. Saitoh Journal of Physics 117 53904- (2015) 10.1063/1.4907040
“Spectral shape deformation in inverse spin Hall voltage in Y3Fe5O12|Pt bilayers at high microwave power levels" J. Lustikova , Y. Shiomi , S.M. Haidar , E. Saitoh Journal of Applied Physics 117 073901_1-073901_6 (2015) 10.1063/1.4908211
“Enhancement of spin-Seebeck effect by inserting ultra-thin Fe70Cu30 interlayer” D. Kikuchi , M. Ishida , K. Uchida , Z. Qiu , T. Murakami , E. Saitoh Applied Physics Letters 106 082401_1-082401_3 (2015) 10.1063/1.4913531
“Rotational Doppler effect and Barnett effect in the spinning NMR” H. Chudo , K. Harii , M. Matsuo , J. Ieda , M. Ono , S. Maekawa , H. Yasuoka , E. Saitoh Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 84 043601- (2015) 10.7566/JPSJ.84.043601
“Laser micro-processing as a tool for constructing insulator-based magnonic crystal” S. Daimon , R. Iguchi , K. Uchida , E. Saitoh Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 48 164014- (2015) 10.1088/0022-3727/48/16/164014
“Influence of the interface condition on spin-Seebeck effects“ Z. Qiu , D. Hou , K. Uchida , E. Saitoh Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 48 164013- (2015) 10.1088/0022-3727/48/16/164013
“Line splitting by mechanical rotation in nuclear magnetic resonance” K. Harii , H. Chudo , M. Ono , M. Matsuo , J. Ieda , S. Okayasu , S. Maekawa , E. Saitoh Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 54 050302 - (2015) 10.7567/JJAP.54.050302
“Observation of longitudinal spin-Seebeck effect in cobalt-ferrite epitaxial thin films” T. Niizeki , T. Kikkawa , K. Uchida , M. Oka , K. Suzuki , H. Yanagihara , E. Kita , E. Saitoh AIP Advances 5 053603 - (2015) 10.1063/1.4916978
“Spin-current injection and detection in κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br” Z. Qiu , M. Uruichi , D. Hou , K. Uchida , H. M. Yamamoto , E. Saitoh AIP Advances 5 057167 - (2015) 10.1063/1.4922007
“Evaluation of thermal gradients in longitudinal spin Seebeck effect measurements" A. Sola , M. Kuepferling , V. Basso , M. Pasquale , T. Kikkawa , K. Uchida , E. Saitoh Journal of Applied Physics 117 17C510- (2015) 10.1063/1.4916762
”Electric Neel temperature determination of an antiferromagnetic insulator film” Z. Qiu , D. Hou , E. Saitoh 2015 IEEE MAGNETICS CONFERENCE (INTERMAG) (2015) 10.1109/INTMAG.2015.7157460
“Reducing galvanomagnetic effects in spin pumping measurement with Co75Fe25 as a spin injector” S.M. Haidar , R. Iguchi , A. Yagmur , J. Lustikova , Y. Shiomi , E. Saitoh Journal of Applied Physics 117 183906 - (2015) 10.1063/1.4921359
”Transverse thermoelectric effect in La0.67Sr0.33MnO3|SrRuO3 superlattices” Y. Shiomi , Y. Handa , T. Kikkawa , E. Saitoh Applied Physics Letters 106 232403 - (2015) 10.1063/1.4922294
”Intrinsic surface magnetic anisotropy in Y3Fe5O12 as the origin of low-magnetic-field behavior of the spin Seebeck effect” K. Uchida , J. Ohe , T. Kikkawa , S. Daimon , D. Hou , Z. Qiu , E. Saitoh Physical Review B 92 014415 - (2015) 10.1103/PhysRevB.92.014415
”Anomalous Hall effect with giant hysteresis loop in La0.67Sr0.33MnO3|SrRuO3 superlattices” Y. Shiomi , Y. Handa , T. Kikkawa , E. Saitoh Physical Review B 92 024418 - (2015) 10.1103/PhysRevB.92.024418
”All-oxide spin Seebeck effects” Z. Qiu , D. Hou , K. Uchida , E. Saitoh Applied Physics Express 8 083001 - (2015) 10.7567/APEX.8.083001
“Critical suppression of spin Seebeck effect by magnetic fields” T. Kikkawa , K. Uchida , S. Daimon , Z. Qiu , Y. Shiomi , E. Saitoh Physical Review B 92 064413- (2015) 10.1103/PhysRevB.92.064413
”Observation of inverse spin Hall effect in ferromagnetic FePt alloys using spin Seebeck effect” T. Seki , K. Uchida , T. Kikkawa , Z. Qiu , E. Saitoh , K. Takanashi Applied Physics Letters 107 092401 - (2015) 10.1063/1.4929691
”Spintronics for Next Generation Innovative Devices Preface” K. Sato , E. Saitoh , A. Willoughby , P. Capper , S. Kasap SPINTRONICS FOR NEXT GENERATION INNOVATIVE DEVICES XI-XII(2015) 10.1002/9781118751886.ch3
”Enhancement of anomalous Nernst effects in metallic multilayers free from proximity-induced magnetism” K. Uchida , T. Kikkawa , T. Seki , T. Oyake , J. Shiomi , Z. Qiu , K. Takanashi , E. Saitoh Physical Review B 92 094414 - (2015) 10.1103/PhysRevB.92.094414
”Excitation and control of spin wave by light pulses” T. Satoh , Y. Terui , R. Moriya , B. A. Ivanov , K. Ando , E. Saitoh , T. Shimura , K. Kuroda ULTRAFAST MAGNETISM I 80 + (2015) 10.1007/978-3-319-07743-7_26
”Anomalous Hall effect driven by dipolar spin waves in uniform ferromagnet” K. Yamamoto , K. Sato , E. Saitoh , H. Kohno Physical Review B92 140408- (2015) 10.1103/PhysRevB.92.140408
”Enhanced inverse spin Hall contribution at high microwave power levels in La0.67Sr0.33MnO3/SrRuO3 epitaxial bilayers” S.M. Haidar , Y. Shiomi , J. Lustikova , E. Saitoh Applied Physical Letters 107 152408- (2015) 10.1063/1.4933379
”Barnett effect in paramagnetic states” M. Ono , H. Chudo , K. Harii , S. Okayasu , M. Matsuo , J. Ieda , R. Takahashi , S. Maekawa , E. Saitoh Physical Review B92 174424- (2015) 10.1103/PhysRevB.92.174424
”Magnon instability driven by heat current in magnetic bilayers” Y. Ohnuma , H. Adachi , E. Saitoh , S. Maekawa Physical Review B92 224404- (2015) 10.1103/PhysRevB.92.224404
”Unconventional scaling and significant enhancement of the spin Seebeck effect in multilayers” R. Ramos , T. Kikkawa , M.H. Aguirre , I. Lucas , A. Anad´on , T. Oyake , K. Uchida , H. Adachi , J. Shiomi , P.A. Algarabel , L. Morellón , S. Maekawa , E. Saitoh , M.R. Ibarra Physical Review B92 220407- (2015) 10.1103/PhysRevB.92.220407
"Vector spectroscopy for spin pumping" J. Lustikova , Y. Shiomi , E. Saitoh Physical Review B 92 224436- (2015) 10.1103/PhysRevB.92.224436
"Spin hydrodynamic generation" R. Takahashi , M. Matsuo , M. Ono , K. Harii , H. Chudo , S. Okayasu , J. Ieda , S. Takahashi , S. Maekawa , E. Saitoh Nature Physics 12 52-56 - (2015) 10.1038/nphys3526
"Holographic realization of ferromagnets" N. Yokoi , M. Ishihara , K. Sato , E. Saitoh Phsycal Review D93 026002- (2016) 10.1103/PhysRevD.93.026002
"Spin Current" K. Uchida , E. Saitoh SPINTRONICS FOR NEXT GENERATION INNOVATIVE DEVICES 43-75 (2016) 10.7566/JPSJ.82.102002
"Origin of the spin Seebeck effect in compensated ferrimagnets" S. Geprägs , A. Kehlberger , F. D. Coletta , Z. Qiu , E-J. Guo , T. Schulz , C. Mix , S. Meyer , A. kamra , M. Althammer , H. Huebl , G. Jakob , Y. Ohnuma , H. Adachi , J. Barker , S. Maekawa , G. E. W. Bauer , E. Saitoh , R. Gross , S. T. B. Goennenwein , M. Kläui Nature Communications 7 10452 - (2016) 10.1038/ncomms10452
"Dispersion-type Hall resistance in InSb|Pt hybrid systems" Y. Shiomi , E. Saitoh Scientific Reports 6 Article number: 22085- (2016) 10.1038/srep22085
"Flexible heat-flow sensing sheets based on the longitudinal spin Seebeck effect using one-dimensional spin-current conducting films" A. Kirihara , K. Kondo , M. Ishida , K. Ihara , Y. Iwasaki , H. Someya , A. Matsuba , K. Uchida , E. Saitoh , N. Yamamoto , S. Kohmoto , T. Murakami Scientific Reports 6 23114 - (2016) 10.1038/srep23114
"Theory of spin Hall magnetoresistance (SMR) and related phenomena" Y-T. Chen , S. Takahashi , H. Nakayama , M. Althammer , S. T. B. Goennenwein , E. Saitoh , G. E. W. Bauer Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 28 103004 -(2016) 10.1088/0953-8984/28/10/103004
"Improvement of Mixing Conductance and Spin-Seebeck Effect at Fe Interface Treatment" Y. Iwasaki , M. Ishida , A. Kirihara , K. Ihara , H. Someya , K. Uchida , E. Saitoh , T. Murakami , S. Yorozu MRS ADVANCES 1 60 3959-3964 (2016) 10.1557/adv.2016.331
"Spin-current-driven thermoelectric generation based on interfacial spin-orbit coupling” A. Yagmur , S. Karube , K. Uchida , K. Kondo , R. Iguchi , T. Kikkawa , Y. Otani , E. Saitoh Applied Physics Letters 108 (2016) 10.1063/1.4953879
"Complete Suppression of Longitudinal Spin Seebeck Effect by Frozen Magnetization Dynamics in Y3Fe5O12" T. Kikkawa , K. Uchida , S. Daimon , E. Saitoh Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 85 - (2016) 10.7566/JPSJ.85.065003
"Observation of temperature-gradient-induced magnetization" D. Hou , Z. Qiu , R. Iguchi , K. Sato , E.K. Vehstedt , K. Uchida , G. E. W. Bauer , E. Saitoh Nature Communications 7 12265_1-12265_6 - (2016) 10.1038/ncomms12265
"Thermoelectric Generation Based on Spin Seebeck Effects" K. Uchida , H. Adachi , T. Kikkawa , A. Kirihara , M. Ishida , S. Yorozu , S. Maekawa , E. Saitoh Proceedings of the Ieee 104 1499 -(2016) 10.1109/JPROC.2016.2535167
"Universal scaling for the spin-electricity conversion on surface states of topological insulators" K. Yamamoto , Y. Shiomi , K. Segawa , Y. Ando , E. Saitoh Physical Review B 94 (2016) 10.1103/PhysRevB.94.024404
"Spin-current probe for phase transition in an insulator" Z. Qiu , J. Li , D. Hou , E. Arenholz , A. T. N’Diaye , A. Tan , K. Uchida , K. Sato , S. Okamoto , Y. Tserkovnyak , E. Saitoh Nature Communications 7 12670 (2016) 10.1038/ncomms12670
"Thermoelectric performance of spin Seebeck effect in Fe3O4/Pt-based thin film heterostructures" R. Ramos , A. Anad´on , I. Lucas , K. Uchida , P. A. Algarabel , L. Morellón , M.H. Aguirre , E. Saitoh , M.R. Ibarra Apl Materials 4 104802 (2016) 10.1063/1.4950994
"Spin Current Physics and Its Thermoelectric Application" K. Uchida , E. Saitoh INTELLIGENT NANOSYSTEMS FOR ENERGY, INFORMATION AND BIOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES 327-341 (2016) 10.1007/978-4-431-56429-4_16
"Magnon Polarons in the Spin Seebeck effect" T. Kikkawa , K. Shen , B. Flebus , R. A. Duine , K. Uchida , Z. Qiu , G. E. W. Bauer , E. Saitoh Physical Review Letters 117 207203 (2016) 10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.207203
"Spin Current Physics and applications" E. Saitoh Ieee Transactions on Magnetics 52 (2016) 10.1007/978-4-431-56429-4_16
"Thermal imaging of spin Peltier effect" S. Daimon , R. Iguchi , T. Hioki , E. Saitoh , K. Uchida Nature Communications 7 13754_1-13754_7 (2016) 10.1038/ncomms13754
”Gamma radiation resistance of spin Seebeck devices” A. Yagmur , K. Uchida , K. Ihara , I. Ioka , T. Kikkawa , M. Ono , J. Endo , K. Kashiwagi , T. Nakashima , A. Kirihara , M. Ishida , E. Saitoh APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 24 243902 (2016) 10.1063/1.4971976
”One-dimensional spinon spin currents” D. Hirobe , M. Sato , T. Kawamata , Y. Shiomi , K. Uchida , R. Iguchi , Y. Koike , S. Maekawa , E. Saitoh Nature Physics 13 30–34 (2017) 10.1038/nphys3895
”Temperature dependence of the spin Seebeck effect in [Fe3O4/Pt]n multilayears” R. Ramos , T. Kikkawa , A. Anad´on , I. Lucas , K. Uchida , P. A. Algarabel , L. Morellón , M.H. Aguirre , E. Saitoh , M.R. Ibarra AIP Advances 7 055915-1_055915-7 (2017) 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.017203
”Measurement of Spin Pumping Voltage Separated from Extrinsic Microwave Effects” R. Iguchi , E. Saitoh Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 86 011003-1_011003-13(2017) 10.7566/JPSJ.86.011003
”Spin-Mechatronics” M. Matsuo , E. Saitoh , S. Maekawa Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 86 011011-1_011011-7 (2017) 10.7566/JPSJ.86.011011
“Fabrication of nanomechanical resonator with non-local spin valve structure for spin detection and control” Y-J. Seo , K. Harii , R. Takahashi , H. Chudo , K. Oyanagi , T. Ono , Y. Shiomi , E. Saitoh 30th Ieee International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems 1177-1180 (Mems 2017) 10.1109/MEMSYS.2017.7863625
”Spin Seebeck effect in insulating epitaxial gamma-Fe2O3 thin films” P. Jimenez-Cavero , I. Lucas , A. Anad´on , R. Ramos , T. Niizeki , M.H. Aguirre , P. A. Algarabel , K. Uchida , M.R. Ibarra , E. Saitoh , L. Morellón Apl Materials 5 026103-1_026103-8(2017) 10.1063/1.4975618
”Gyroscopic g factor of rare earth metals” Y. Ogata , H. Chudo , M. Ono , K. Harii , M. Matsuo , S. Maekawa , E. Saitoh Applied Physics Letters 110 132409-1_132409-4 (2017) 10.1063/1.4976998
”Linear magnetoresistance in a topological insulator Ru2Sn3” Y. Shiomi , E. Saitoh AIP Advances 7 035011-1_035011-6(2017) 10.1063/1.4978773
“Concomitant enhancement of the longitudinal spin Seebeck effect and the thermal conductivity in a Pt/YIG/Pt system at low Temperatures” R. Iguchi , K. Uchida , S. Daimon , E. Saitoh Physical Review B 95 174401 (2017) 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.174401
”Fabrication and magnetic control of Y3Fe5O12 cantilevers” Y-J. Seo , K. Harii , R. Takahashi , H. Chudo , K. Oyanagi , Z. Qiu , T. Ono , Y. Shiomi , E. Saitoh Applied Physics Letters 110 132409-1_132409-4 (2017) 10.1063/1.4979553
”Tunable magnon-photon coupling in a compensating ferrimagnet-from weak to strong coupling” H.Maier-Flaig , M. Harder , S. Klingler , Z. Qiu , E. Saitoh , M. Weiler , S. Geprägs , R. Gross , S.T.B. Goennenwein , H. Huebl Applied Physics Letters 110 132401-1_132401-5(2017) 10.1063/1.4979409
”Enhancement of the spin Peltier effect in multilayers” K. Uchida , R. Iguchi , S. Daimon , R. Ramos , A. Anad´on , I. Lucas , P.A. Algarabel , L. Morellón , M.H. Aguirre , M.R. Ibarra Physical Review B 95 184437 (2017) 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.184437
“Spin-current-induced magnetoresistance in trilayer structure with nonmagnetic metallic interlayer” R. Iguchi , K. Sato , K. Uchida , E. Saitoh Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 56 4 040306 (2017) 10.7567/JJAP.56.040306
”Tunable Sign Change of Spin Hall Magnetoresistance in Pt/NiO/YIG structures” D. Hou , Z. Qiu , J. Barker , K. Sato , K. Yamamoto , S. Velez , J. M. Gomez-Perez , L. E. Hueso , F. Casanova , E. Saitoh Physical Review Letters 118 147202 (2017) 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.147202
”Magnon-polaron trasport in magnetic insulators” B. Flebus , K. Shen , T. Kikkawa , K. Uchida , Z. Qiu , E. Saitoh , R. A. Duine , G. E. W. Bauer Physical Review B 95 144420 (2017) 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.144420
“All-optical observation and reconstruction of spin wave dispersion” Y. Hashimoto , S. Daimon , R. Iguchi , Y. Oikawa , K. Shen , K. Sato , D. Bossini , Y. Tabuchi , T. Satoh , B. Hillebrands , G. E. W. Bauer , T. H. Johansen , A. Kirilyuk , T. Rasing , E. Saitoh Nature Communications 8 15859 (2017) 10.1038/ncomms15859
”Probing length-scale separation of thermal and spin currents by nanostructuring YIG” A. Miura , T. Kikkawa , R. Iguchi , K. Uchida , E. Saitoh , J. Shiomi PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS 1 1 14601 (2017) 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.1.014601
”Time-resolved study of field-induced suppression of longitudinal spin Seebeck effect” T. Hioki , R. Iguchi , Z. Qiu , D. Hou , K. Uchida , E. Saitoh Applied Physics Express 10 073002 (2017) 10.7567/APEX.10.073002
”Magnetic thermal conductivity far above the Neel temperature in the Kitaev-magnet candidate alpha-RuCl3” D. Hirobe , M. Sato , Y. Shiomi , H. Tanaka , E. Saitoh PHYSICAL REVIEW B 95 24 241112 (2017) 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.241112
“Detection of induced paramagnetic moments in Pt on Y3Fe5O12 via x-ray magnetic circular dichroism” T. Kikkawa , M. Suzuki , J. Okabayashi , K. Uchida , D. Kikuchi , Z. Qiu , E. Saitoh Physical Review B 95 214416 (2017) 10.1103/physrevb.95.214416
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“Oscillatory Nernst effect in Pt vertical bar ferrite vertical bar cuprate-superconductor trilayer films” Y. Shiomi , J. Lustikova , E. Saitoh Scientific Reports 7 2358 (2017) 10.1038/s41598-017-05747-6
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”Terahertz Spin Currents and Inverse Spin Hall Effect in Thin-Film Heterostructures Containing Complex Magnetic Compounds” T. Seifert , U. Martens , S. Gunther , M.A.W. Schoen , F. Radu , X.Z. Chen , I. Lucas , R. Ramos , M.H. Aguirre , P. A. Algarabel , A. Anad´on , H.S. Korner , J. Walowski , C. back , M.R. Ibarra , L. Morellón , E. Saitoh , M. Wolf , C. Song , K. Uchida , M. Munzenbrg , I. Radu , T. Kampfrath Spin 7 1740010 (2017) 10.1142/S2010324717400100
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”Nonlocal magnon-polaron transport in yttrium iron garnet” L. J. Cornelissem , K. Oyanagi , T. Kikkawa , Z. Qiu , T. Kuschel , G. E. W. Bauer , B. J. van Wees , E. Saitoh Physical Review B 96 104441 (2017) 10.1103/PhysRevB.96.104441
”Long-distance excitation of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond via surface spin waves” D. Kikuchi , D. Prananto , K. Hayashi , A. Laraoui , N. Mizuochi , M. Hatano , E. Saitoh , Y. Kim , C. A. Meriles , T. An Applied Physics Express 10 103004 (2017) 10.7567/APEX.10.103004
”Wavelength-selective spin-current generator using infrared plasmonic metamaterials” S. Ishii , K. Uchida , T. D. Dao , Y. Wada , E. Saitoh , T. Nagao APL PHOTONICS 2 10 106103 (2017) 10.1063/1.4991438
”Experimental evidence consistent with a magnon Nernst effect in the antiferromagnetic insulator MnPS3” Y. Shiomi , R. Takashima , E. Saitoh PHYSICAL REVIEW B 96 13 134425 (2017) 10.1103/PhysRevB.96.134425
“Enhanced orbital magnetic moment in FeCo nanogranules observed by Barnett effect" Y. Ogata , H. Chudo , B. Gu , N. Kobayashi , M. Ono , K. Harii , M. Matsuo , E. Saitoh , S. Maekawa Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 442 329-331 (2017) 10.1016/j.jmmm.2017.06.101
”Magnetic-field-induced decrease of the spin Peltier effect in Pt/Y3Fe5O12 system at room temperature” R. Itoh , R. Iguchi , S. Daimon , K. Oyanagi , K. Uchida , E. Saitoh PHYSICAL REVIEW B 96 18 184422 (2017) 10.1103/PhysRevB.96.184422
”Spin Seebeck effect in the polar antiferromagnet alpha-Cu2V2O7” Y. Shiomi , R. Takashima , D. Okuyama , G. Gitgeatpong , P. Piyawongwatthana , K. Matan , T. J. Sato , E. Saitoh PHYSICAL REVIEW B 96 18 180414 (2017) 10.1103/PhysRevB.96.180414
”Experimental observation of the spin Hall effect using spin dynamics” E. Saitoh , K. Ando SPIN CURRENT, 2ND EDITION 264-272 (2017) 10.1093/oso/9780198787075.001.0001
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”Topological spin current” E. Saitoh SPIN CURRENT, 2ND EDITION 22 30-32 (2017) 10.1093/oso/9780198787075.003.0004
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”Stimulated emission of dark matter axion from condensed matter excitations” N. Yokoi , E. Saitoh JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 1 22 (2018) 10.1007/JHEP01(2018)022
”Anomalous reversal of transverse thermoelectric voltage in Co delta Fe100-delta/YIG junction” R. Ramos , P. Wongjom , R. Iguchi , A. Yagmur , Z. Qiu , S. Pinitsoontorn , K. Uchida , E. Saitoh JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS 447 134-138 (2018) 10.1016/j.jmmm.2017.09.034
”Phase-resolved spin-wave tomography” Y. Hashimoto , T. H. Johansen , E. Saitoh APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 112 7 72410 (2018) 10.1063/1.5018091
“Magnon detection using a ferroic collinear multilayer spin valve” J. Cramer , F. Fuhrmann , U. Ritzmann , V. Gall , T. Niizeki , R. Ramos , Z. Qiu , D. Hou , T. Kikkawa , J. Sinova , U. Nowak , E. Saitoh , M. Kläui Nature Communications 9 1089 (2018) 10.1038/s41467-018-03485-5
”Generation of spin currents from one-dimensional quantum spin liquid” D. Hirobe , T. Kawamata , K. Oyanagi , Y. Koike , E. Saitoh JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 123 12 123903 (2018) 10.1063/1.5021022
”The bimodal distribution spin Seebeck effect enhancement in epitaxial Ni0.65Zn0.35Al0.8Fe1.2O4 thin film” H. Wang , D. Hou , T. Kikkawa , R. Ramos , K. Shen , Z. Qiu , Y. Chen , M. Umeda , Y. Shiomi , X. Jin , E. Saitoh APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 112 14 142406 (2018) 10.1063/1.5022195
”Spin transport across antiferromagnets induced by the spin Seebeck effect” J. Cramer , U. Ritzmann , B. Dong , S. Jaiswal , Z. Qiu , E. Saitoh , U. Nowak , M. Kläui JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS 51 14 144004 (2018) 10.1088/1361-6463/aab223
”Annealing-temperature-dependent voltage-sign reversal in all-oxide spin Seebeck devices using RuO2” A. Kirihara , M. Ishida , R. Yuge , K. Ihara , Y. Iwasaki , R. Sawada , H. Someya , R. Iguchi , K. Uchida , E. Saitoh , S. Yorozu JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS 51 15 154002 (2018) 10.1088/1361-6463/aab2cd
”Frequency and wavenumber selective excitation of spin waves through coherent energy transfer from elastic waves” Y. Hashimoto , D. Bossini , T. H. Johansen , E. Saitoh , A. Kirilyuk , T. Rasing PHYSICAL REVIEW B 97 14 140404 (2018) 10.1103/PhysRevB.97.140404
”Lock-in thermography measurements of the spin Peltier effect in a compensated ferrimagnet and its comparison to the spin Seebeck effect” A. Yagmur , R. Iguchi , S. Geprägs , A. Erb , S. Daimon , E. Saitoh , R. Gross , K. Uchida JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS 51 19 194002 (2018) 10.1088/1361-6463/aabc75
”180 degrees-phase shift of magnetoelastic waves observed by phase-resolved spin-wave tomography” Y. Hashimoto , T. H. Johansen , E. Saitoh APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 112 23 232403 (2018) 10.1063/1.5030342
”Spin-current coherence peak in superconductor/magnet junctions” M. Umeda , Y. Shiomi , T. Kikkawa , T. Niizeki , J. Lustikova , S. Takahashi , E. Saitoh APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 112 23 232601 (2018) 10.1063/1.5027456
”Enhanced thermo-spin effects in iron-oxide/metal multilayers” R. Ramos , I. Lucas , P. A. Algarabel , L. Morellón , K. Uchida , E. Saitoh , M. R. Ibarra JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS 51 22 224003 (2018) 10.1088/1361-6463/aabedb
“Observation of anisotropic magneto-Peltier effect in nickel” K. Uchida , S. Daimon , R. Iguchi , E. Saitoh Nature 558, 95-99 (2018) 10.1038/s41586-018-0143-x
“Spin colossal magnetoresistance in an antiferromagnetic insulator” Z. Qiu , D. Hou , J. Barker , K. Yamamoto , O. Gomonay , E. Saitoh Nature Materials 17, 577 (2018) 10.1038/s41563-018-0087-4
”Thermographic measurements of spin-current-induced temperature modulation in metallic bilayers” R. Iguchi , A. Yagmur , Y. C. Lau , S. Daimon , E. Saitoh , M. Hyashi , K. Uchida PHYSICAL REVIEW B 98 1 14402 (2018) 10.1103/PhysRevB.98.014402
”Spin transport in multilayer systems with fully epitaxial NiO thin films” L. Baldrati , C. Schneider , T. Niizeki , R. Ramos , J. Cramer , A. Ross , E. Saitoh , M. Kläui PHYSICAL REVIEW B 98 1 14409 (2018) 10.1103/PhysRevB.98.014409
”Full angular dependence of the spin Hall and ordinary magnetoresistance in epitaxial antiferromagnetic NiO(001)/Pt thin films” L. Baldrati , A. Ross , T. Niizeki , C. Schneider , R. Ramos , J. Cramer , O. Gomonay , M. Filianina , T. Savchenko , D. Heinze , A. Kleibert , E. Saitoh , J. Sinova , M. Kläui PHYSICAL REVIEW B 98 2 24422 (2018) 10.1103/PhysRevB.98.024422
”Observation of gyromagnetic reversal” M. Imai , Y. Ogata , H. Chudo , M. Ono , K. Harii , M. Matsuo , Y. Ohnuma , S. Maekawa , E. Saitoh APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 113 5 52402 (2018) 10.1063/1.5041464
”Efficient Edelstein effects in one-atom-layer TI-Pb compound” Y. Shiomi , K. T. Yamamoto , R. Nakanishi , T. Nakamura , S. Ichinokura , R. Akiyama , S. Hasegawa , E. Saitoh APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 113 5 52401 (2018) 10.1063/1.5040546
”Enhanced mechanical damping induced by non-linear magnetization dynamics” Y. Oikawa , H. Arisawa , S. Daimon , E. Saitoh APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 113 14 142407 (2018) 10.1063/1.5051700
”Combinatorial investigation of spin-orbit materials using spin Peltier effect” K. Uchida , M. Sasaki , Y. Sakuraba , R. Iguchi , S. Daimon , E. Saitoh , M. Goto SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 8 16067 (2018) 10.1038/s41598-018-34493-6
“Vortex rectenna powered by environmental fluctuations” J. Lustikova , Y. Shiomi , N. Yokoi , N. Kabeya , N. Kimura , K. Ienaga , S. Kaneko , S. Okuma , S. Takahashi , E. Saitoh Nature Communications 9 4922 (2018) 10.1038/s41467-018-07352-1
”Spin caloritronic measurements: a round robin comparison of the longitudinal spin Seebeck effect” A. Sola , V. Basso , M. Kuepferling , M. Pasquale , D. Meier , G. Reiss , T. Kuschel , T. Kikkawa , K. Uchida , E. Saitoh , H. Jin , S. J. Watzman , S. Boona , J. Heremans , M. B. Jungfleisch , W. Zhang , J. E. Pearson , A. Hoffmann , H. W. Schumacher 2018 CONFERENCE ON PRECISION ELECTROMAGNETIC MEASUREMENTS (CPEM 2018) 68 6 1765-1773 (2018) 10.1109/TIM.2018.2882930
”Fabrication of yttrium-iron-garnet/Pt multilayers for the longitudinal spin Seebeck effect” T. Nozue , T. Kikkawa , T. Watamura , T. Niizeki , R. Ramos , E. Saitoh , H. Murakami APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 113 26 262402 (2018) 10.1063/1.5046977
”Direct Probing of Cross-Plane Thermal Properties of Atomic Layer Deposition Al2O3/ZnO Superlattice Films with an Improved Figure of Merit and Their Cross-Plane Thermoelectric Generating Performance” N. W. Park , W. Y. Lee , Y. S. Yoon , J. Y. Ahn , J. H. Lee , G. S. Kim , T. G. Kim , C. J. Choi , J. S. Park , E. Saitoh , S. K. Lee ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES 10 51 44472-44482 (2018) 10.1021/acsami.8b15997
“Spin pumping from nuclear spin waves” Y. Shiomi , J. Lustikova , S. Watanabe , D. Hirobe , S. Takahashi , E. Saitoh Nature Physics 15 22–26 (2019) 10.1038/s41567-018-0310-x
”Thickness dependence of transverse thermoelectric voltage in Co40Fe60/YIG magnetic junctions” P. Wongjom , R. Ramos , S. Pinitsoontorn , K. Uchida , E. Saitoh JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS 471 439-443 (2019) 10.1016/j.jmmm.2018.10.003
”Cross-plane thermoelectric Seebeck coefficients in nanoscale Al2O3/ZnO superlattice films” Y. S. Yoon , W. Y. Lee , N. W. Park , G. S. Kim , R. Ramos , T. Kikkawa , E. Saitoh , S. M. Koo , J. S. Park , S. K. Lee JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C 7 6 1670-1680(2019) 10.1039/c8tc05114c
”Machine-learning guided discovery of a new thermoelectric material” Y. Iwasaki , I. Takeuchi , V. Stanev , A. G. Kusne , M. Ishida , A. Kirihara , K. Ihara , R. Sawada , K. Terashima , H. Someya , K. Uchida , E. Saitoh , S. Yorozu SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 9 2751 (2019) 10.1038/s41598-019-39278-z
”Antiferromagnetic NiO thickness dependent sign of the spin Hall magnetoresistance in gamma-Fe2O3/NiO/Pt epitaxial stacks” B. Dong , L. Baldrati , C. Schneider , T. Niizeki , R. Ramos , A. Ross , J. Cramer , E. Saitoh , M. Kläui APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 114 10 102405 (2019) 10.1063/1.5080766
”Interface-induced anomalous Nernst effect in Fe3O4/Pt-based heterostructures” R. Ramos , T. Kikkawa , A. Anad´on , I. Lucas , T. Niizeki , K. Uchida , P. A. Algarabel , L. Morellón , M. H. Aguirre , M. R. Ibarra , E. Saitoh APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 114 11 113902 (2019) 10.1063/1.5063553
”Magnetomechanical sensing based on delta-E effect in Y3Fe5O12 micro bridge” H. Arisawa , S. Daimon , Y. Oikawa , Y. J. Seo , K. Harii , K. Oyanagi , E. Saitoh APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 114 12 122402 (2019) 10.1063/1.5090272
“Topological Characterization of Classical Waves: The Topological Origin of Magnetostatic Surface Spin Waves” K. Yamamoto , G. C. Thiang , P. Pirro , K-W. Kim , K. Everschor-Sitte , E. Saitoh Physical Review Letters 122 217201 (2019) 10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.217201
”Microscopic formulation of nonlinear spin current induced by spin pumping” M. Kameda , D. Hirobe , S. Daimon , Y. Shiomi , S. Takahashi , E. Saitoh JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS 476 459-463 (2019) 10.1016/j.jmmm.2018.12.061
”Angular momentum compensation manipulation to room temperature of the ferrimagnet Ho3-xDyxFe5O12 detected by the Barnett effect” M. Imai , H. Chudo , M. Ono , K. Harii , M. Matsuo , Y. Ohnuma , S. Maekawa , E. Saitoh APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 114 16 162402 (2019) 10.1063/1.5095166
“Spin Seebeck mechanical force” K. Harii , Y-J. Seo , Y. Tsutsumi , H. Chudo , K. Oyanagi , M. Matsuo , Y. Shiomi , T. Ono , S. Maekawa , E. Saitoh Nature Communications 10 2616 (2019) 10.1038/s41467-019-10625-y
”Enhanced Cross-Plane Thermoelectric Figure of Merit Observed in an Al2O3/ZnO Superlattice Film by Hole Carrier Blocking and Phonon Scattering” W. Y. Lee , N. W. Park , S. Y. kang , G. S. Kim , J. H. Koh , E. Saitoh , S. K. Lee JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 123 23 14187-14194 (2019) 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b01471
”Time-Resolved Imaging of Magnetoelastic Waves by the Cotton-Mouton Effect” T. Hioki , Y. Hashimoto , T. H. Johansen , E. Saitoh PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED 11 6 61007 (2019) 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.11.061007
”Controllable Seebeck Coefficients of a Metal-Diffused Aluminum Oxide Layer via Conducting Filament Density and Energy Filtering” N. W. Park , D. Y. Kang , W. Y. Lee , Y. S. Yoon , G. S. Kim , E. Saitoh , T. G. Kim , S. K. Lee ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES 11 26 23303-23312 (2019) 10.1021/acsami.9b01289
”Spin transport in antiferromagnetic insulators: progress and challenges” D. Hou , Z. Qiu , E. Saitoh NPG ASIA MATERIALS 11 35 (2019) 10.1038/s41427-019-0135-9
”Spin Seebeck effect in the layered ferromagnetic insulators CrSiTe3 and CrGeTe3” N. Ito , T. Kikkawa , J. Barker , D. Hirobe , Y. Shiomi , E. Saitoh PHYSICAL REVIEW B 100 6 60402 (2019) 10.1103/PhysRevB.100.060402
“Magnon Pairs and Spin-Nematic Correlation in the Spin Seebeck Effect” D. Hirobe , M. Sato , M. Hagihala , Y. Shiomi , T. Masuda , E. Saitoh Physical Review Letters 123 117202 (2019) 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.117202
”Interfacial ferromagnetism and atomic structures in high-temperature grown Fe3O4/Pt/Fe3O4 epitaxial trilayers” T. Kikkawa , M. Suzuki , R. Ramos , M. H. Aguirre , J. Okabayashi , K. Uchida , I. Lucas , A. Anad´on , D. Kikuchi , P. A. Algarabel , L. Morellón , M. R. Ibarra , E. Saitoh JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 126 14 143903 (2019) 10.1063/1.5125761
“Spin transport in insulators without exchange stiffness” K. Oyanagi , S. Takahashi , L. J. Cornelissen , J. Shan , S. Daimon , T. Kikkawa , G. E. W. Bauer , B. J. van Wees , E. Saitoh Nature Communications 10 4740 (2019) 10.1038/s41467-019-12749-7
”Mechanism of Neel Order Switching in Antiferromagnetic Thin Films Revealed by Magnetotransport and Direct Imaging” L. Baldrati , O. Gomonay , A. Ross , M. Filianina , R. Lebrun , R. Ramos , C. Leveile , F. Fuhrmann , T. R. Forrest , F. Maccherozzi , S. Valencia , F. Kronast , E. Saitoh , J. Sinova , M. Kläui PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 123 17 177201 (2019) 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.177201
”Identification of advanced spin-driven thermoelectric materials via interpretable machine learning” Y. Iwasaki , R. Sawada , V. Stanev , M. Ishida , A. Kirihara , Y. Omori , H. Someya , I. Takeuchi , E. Saitoh , S. Yorozu NPJ COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS 5 103 (2019) 10.1038/s41524-019-0241-9
“Room temperature and low-field resonant enhancement of spin Seebeck effect in partially compensated magnets” R. Ramos , T. Hioki , Y. Hashimoto , P. Frey , A. J. E. Kreil , V. I. Vasyuchka , A. A. Serga , B. Hillebrands , E. Saitoh Nature Communications 10 5162 (2019) 10.1038/s41467-019-13121-5
“Coherent ac spin current transmission across an antiferromagnetic CoO insulator” Q. Li , M. Yang , C. Klewe , P. Shafer , A. T. N’Diaye , D. Hou , T. Y. Wang , N. Gao , E. Saitoh , C. Hwang , R. J. Hicken , J. Li , E. Arenholz , Z. Q. Qiu Nature Communications 10 5265 (2019) 10.1038/s41467-019-13280-5
”Magnetization dynamics in holographic ferromagnets: Landau-Lifshitz equation from Yang-Mills fields” N. Yokoi , K. Sato , E. Saitoh PHYSICAL REVIEW D 100 10 106012 (2019) 10.1103/PhysRevD.100.106012
”Spin-charge conversion in NiMnSb Heusler alloy films” Z. Wen , Z. Qiu , S. Tolle , C. Goroni , T. Seki , D. Hou , T. Kubota , U. Eckern , E. Saitoh , K. Takanashi SCIENCE ADVANCES 5 12 eaaw9337 (2019) 10.1126/sciadv.aaw9337
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”Magnetic field dependence of the nonlocal spin Seebeck effect in Pt/YIG/Pt systems at low temperatures” K. Oyanagi , T. Kikkawa , E. Saitoh AIP ADVANCES 10 1 (2020) 10.1063/1.5135944
”Absence of evidence of spin transport through amorphous Y3Fe5O12” J. M. Gomez-Perez , K. Oyanagi , R. Yahiro , R. Ramos , L. E. Hueso , E. Saitoh , F. Casanova APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 116 3 32401 (2020) 10.1063/1.5119911
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